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We Need Your Help!

It is the goal of The London Beat to try and capture and report on ALL of the great things that go on in this city. Until we have grown our resources substantially – it is a daunting task. So we could really use your help.

And there are lots of ways that you can help.

One of the things that we are passionate about is making The London Beat a web portal where you can come to find all of your local news. We are designing the site in a manner where not only will we offer the exclusive content that we create, but links to content that other people are creating. That’s where you come in.

If you’re part of an organization that maintains a website, and puts out your own content, we want to know about it. Do you syndicate your content through an RSS feed? If you do, please send us an email and tell us about your organization, and the url for your feed. We will add it to our collective consciousness.

Local Talent

Are you a local blogger, or do you follow a local blogger that writes about local things? Or how about a podcaster? Or how about a Londoner with a big YouTube channel? We want to find out about all of them. We feel that it’s a big part of tapping into what’s here and what’s going on.

Perhaps you’re an aspiring writer yourself, but haven’t yet taken the plunge. Or perhaps you think that we can give you a different or better platform from which to write.

Photographers. Videographers.

We want to know about all of you.

Social Networks

We would love to find a couple of volunteers to help us with our social network aspirations. We need a manager for our Facebook page – to help us make sure we are procuring our content and others content, properly across the largest network on the planet. You don’t have to have been a Facebook manager before, but you do need to be someone who knows their way around Facebook, and who understands the fact that this is one of the best ways for us to engage our audience. If we can find out what you want or like, then hopefully that gives us a better chance at providing it.

We need some ambassadors. We want to make sure that when we create content for you – that it gets to as many of you as possible. So what a London Beat ambassador will do, is simply check out our content, and hopefully share our content across their social networks. Everybody is more inclined to want to check something out if they know that it is something that was already enjoyed by one of their peers. If you know how to click a like button, or how to share, or how to re-tweet, or like to participate in Instagram banter, then you likely possess the skills required for the job. We’d love to hear from you. We are so appreciative of your time and consideration.

Event Organizers

Are you in charge of a local event? Is it something you would like to tell Londoners about? Is it something that you would like The London Beat to attend? Please let us know.

Perhaps the best way you can help us, is just to enjoy the site. We want to become the place you think of first when you want to know what has happened, what is happening, or what is going to happen in London, Ontario. The support you show in just using the site, will be paramount to us growing, and being successful.

We look forward to seeing you on the streets of London. We look forward to meeting you all.

About Mark Solway

Storyteller. Community builder, content creator, sports journalist, and a proud Londoner for 40 years.

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