Today the City Of London updated the progress of core construction projects. With five months of construction already in the books, here is a quick summary of traffic impacts and milestones that the travelling public can expect in three key areas of downtown over the next few months:
Dundas Place
· The intersection of Dundas Street and Talbot Street is expected to re-open for northbound and southbound traffic in mid-September.
· Once Talbot Street is reopened, the intersection of Dundas Street and Richmond Street will be closed for approximately 6 weeks so crews can complete underground infrastructure work.
· The flex street’s unique paving stones will start to be placed at the end of August, beginning at Ridout Street and moving eastward at which time you will start to see some of the construction fencing come down.
York Street
· The intersection of York Street and Ridout Street will remain closed in all directions until mid-September to coordinate completion of sewer installations, roadwork and rail repairs. Access will remain open to Renaissance II York Street parking garage and nearby businesses. Orange construction signage will be updated to reflect this timetable.
· The Intersection of York Street and Talbot Street will be closed to through traffic beginning in mid-October until the end of November. During this time, access to the Greyhound station will remain open, and access to 304 Talbot Street will be provided from York Street.
Talbot Street
· Traffic signals and street lighting work will be occurring over the next four weeks.
· Concrete curb and sidewalk work will begin at the end of August and continue into September.
· The road will start to be resurfaced with asphalt by mid-September. This is the final step before Talbot Street, from Kent to Fullarton, is reopened.
All timelines are approximate and vary depending on weather and other mitigating factors.
Stay informed on the completion of milestones, view Public Service Announcements and access information about traffic impacts and downtown construction by visiting
The latest progress updates will also be posted on the City of London’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.